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Did Roseanne win a lawsuit against ABC


Did Roseanne win a lawsuit against ABC?

Roseanne Barr, the star of the sitcom Roseanne, was fired from the show in 2018 after she tweeted a racist remark about Valerie Jarrett, a former advisor to President Barack Obama. ABC, the network that aired Roseanne, canceled the show shortly thereafter.

In 2019, Barr sued ABC, alleging that she was wrongfully fired and that the network had breached her contract. Barr also claimed that ABC had defamed her by calling her tweet “abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values.”

ABC denied Barr’s allegations and filed a countersuit, alleging that Barr had breached her contract by making the racist tweet. The network also claimed that Barr had caused ABC to suffer financial losses due to the cancellation of Roseanne.

In 2020, Barr and ABC reached a settlement in their lawsuits. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed.


It is unknown whether Roseanne Barr won a lawsuit against ABC or not, as the terms of the settlement were not disclosed. However, it is clear that the two parties were able to reach an agreement that resolved their legal dispute.


Q: Why did ABC fire Roseanne Barr?

A: ABC fired Roseanne Barr after she tweeted a racist remark about Valerie Jarrett, a former advisor to President Barack Obama.

Q: What did Roseanne Barr tweet?

A: Roseanne Barr tweeted that Valerie Jarrett was the product of “Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes.”

Q: What did ABC say about Roseanne Barr’s tweet?

A: ABC called Roseanne Barr’s tweet “abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values.”

Q: Did Roseanne Barr sue ABC?

A: Yes, Roseanne Barr sued ABC in 2019, alleging that she was wrongfully fired and that the network had breached her contract.

Q: Did ABC countersue Roseanne Barr?

A: Yes, ABC filed a countersuit against Roseanne Barr in 2019, alleging that she had breached her contract by making the racist tweet.

Q: Did Roseanne Barr and ABC reach a settlement?

A: Yes, Roseanne Barr and ABC reached a settlement in their lawsuits in 2020. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed.