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Crow Wing County Attorney Don Ryan


Is Don Ryan the right person to serve as the county attorney in Crow Wing? In this article, I’ll talk about his duties as crow wing county attorney, his salary, and his decision to drop charges in the shooting death of Winston Boogie Smith Jr. I’ll also discuss how a county attorney should handle a case when it comes to his reputation. If you have questions about Don Ryan or his work, please contact me. I’m happy to answer your questions.

Don Ryan

Don Ryan, Crow-Wing County attorney, has served the community for more than 28 years. In his first year as county attorney, Bill Clinton was president, and millions watched the O.J. Simpson not guilty verdict. It was also the year “Forrest Gump” won the Best Picture Oscar. Today, Don Ryan is serving his seventh term and 28th year as county attorney. He says he plans to continue serving his community as a county attorney. On Tuesday, he announced his candidacy for reelection.

The case of Winston “Boogie” Smith is a good example of a law enforcement issue that requires an attorney’s oversight. Crow Wing County Attorney Don Ryan is reviewing the evidence in the case on his own. He hopes to decide by mid-October. He is also preparing a letter to Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman informing him of the county’s decision. The letter to Freeman states that the county will be reviewing the evidence and determining whether to bring charges.

Don Ryan’s responsibilities as crow wing county attorney

Don Ryan is a veteran of county government, having served as the district attorney of Crow Wing County for nearly two decades. He won his first election in 1994, a year before the iPhone or Google. In seven terms, Ryan has never faced a challenge, saying he is lucky to be doing what he does. However, with the polarizing nature of public safety in Minnesota, Don Ryan is looking for ways to maintain his leadership role.

He serves as the county’s planning and zoning counsel, providing legal advice on zoning, interpretation, administration, enforcement, and appeals. He also provides legal advice to the county board of adjustment, which he attends in person. These are only a few of the many responsibilities of the Crow-Wing County attorney. But he also believes that community service is important and encourages his office staff to be involved as well.

Don Ryan’s salary

The case against Crow-Wing County Attorney Don Ryan began when the former Crosby mayor James Hunter announced his candidacy for mayor. The case was referred to Ryan’s office by the Hennepin County Attorney to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. In an interview with the Star Tribune, Ryan acknowledged that he deferred to outside agencies during the investigation and that the county spent tens of thousands of dollars on the case.

The county’s compensation board was accused of acting arbitrarily in setting the county attorney’s salary. The board did not consider the assistant county attorney’s experience, qualifications, or duties when setting the attorney’s pay. The court ruled that the board acted without consideration of the assistant county attorney’s qualifications, duties, and experience. The county board’s decision was reversed, and the court remanded the case to the board to determine the appropriate salary.

Don Ryan’s decision not to bring charges in the shooting death of Winston Boogie Smith Jr.

The shooting of Winston Boogie Smith, Jr., by a police officer on May 19 has generated controversy. Smith was wanted on felony charges of felon in possession of a firearm and was on probation. A warrant for his arrest had been issued by Ramsey County after he failed to appear for sentencing in May on an unrelated firearm conviction. Ryan investigated the case but has conflicts of interest with prosecutors in the Twin Cities.

On June 9 the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension announced that the two deputies who killed Smith were not named. Both were working undercover. The Crow Wing County Attorney Don Ryan, who has prosecutorial powers, did not bring charges in Smith’s shooting death. This is due to the conflict of interest he faced, as the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Department is a member of the task force.