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8 Common Causes of Truck Accidents And How To Avoid Them

Truck Accidents

While driving a truck, a truck driver must obey all traffic laws and regulations. Failure to do so can result in some traffic violations.

Causes of truck accidents include:

1. Driving A Truck While Fatigued

One of the most common causes of truck accidents is driving while fatigued. When truck driver gets tired, their reaction time slows, and their ability to concentrate on the road decreases.

It is recommended that a truck driver take at least 10 hours of rest for every eight hours of driving. Drivers should also consider taking a break from the road during “crash risk times,” including late nights, early mornings, and holidays.

2. Driving A Truck While Under The Influence Of Drugs Or Alcohol

Driving a truck while under drugs or alcohol can be deadly. Commercial drivers are considered professional drivers, and they must operate their vehicles with the utmost care and responsibility.

Commercial drivers who drink and drive often have an increased chance of crashing into another vehicle or driving off the road. Truck drivers found guilty of drunk driving can face stiff fines and even criminal charges.

The truck driver should always ensure that they operate the truck in an environment where their driving skills are not impaired.

3. Over Speeding

The common causes of truck accidents include speeding, driving too slowly, and driving without enough brakes. Many things can go wrong when you’re speeding on the roads, such as running into traffic, hitting another vehicle, or getting a busted tire.

When truck drivers are fatigued or over-confident, they often speed to try and compensate for their fatigue or get ahead in the gridlock. Thus, they risk causing an accident caused by these two common causes of truck accidents.

The best way to avoid over-speeding on the road is to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. It would be best always to use your turn signals to let other drivers know where you’re going since they can’t see around your big rig. Also, remember that you should take extra care while changing lanes or moving into traffic if you’re driving a large truck.

4. Distracted Driving

Truck drivers who are distracted while driving can often cause significant accidents due to the size and weight of their vehicles.

While a passenger vehicle can stop in time to avoid hitting something, large trucks cannot always stop and will most likely continue forward even if you break quickly. This can lead to a truck accident and cause severe damage to you or other drivers on the road.

It is always crucial driving a truck while being alert and not to multitask while driving. Keep your attention on the road, and do not pull out your phone unless it is an emergency to avoid automobile accident lawsuits.

5. Weather Conditions

Weather conditions also contribute to truck accidents. For example, icy weather can cause a truck driver to lose control of the vehicle and crash into another vehicle or drive off the road, injuring both the driver and other motorists.

As a driver, make sure to drive in favorable weather conditions and be cautious while driving in the rain or snow. It is also best to avoid driving at night because your visibility is low, and you are more likely to make a mistake.

6. Unfavorable Road Conditions

Truck drivers should always drive on well-maintained roads with no potholes, cracks, or other damages that can cause your vehicle to shake while driving down the road.

In addition, it is also essential for truck drivers to take caution while driving in areas where the road is narrow and has a higher chance of causing a truck accident.

7. Driver Error

Truck drivers are among the most experienced road users, which makes them prone to making mistakes. Most accidents are caused by driver error rather than poor driving skills or poor road conditions. Truck drivers often forget to check their mirrors and blind spots while driving.

8. Trucking Company Negligence

Trucking companies are responsible for hiring and training their truck drivers. Each trucking company has its policies and guidelines that it expects its employees to follow. If a truck driver does not follow these policies or goes against company rules, the trucking company is typically held responsible for the accident.

Seek Professional Accident Attorney Services.

As a truck driver, if you cause an accident, you should seek help from truck accident attorney services for your case. You need to consider so many things when seeking accident attorney services. Don’t let automobile accident lawsuits overwhelm you, as you should find a lawyer who has the experience and expertise to fight for your legal rights.